Saturday, 11 April 2009

Let's try again

Ok, so recent events have made me think I need to restart this blog. I've had a few ups and downs in my personal life over the last year, but I'm confident that all the right decisions have been made and I'm now back where I should be (and I don't just mean London!).

I haven't decided whether I'm going to change the focus of this blog. Music and the IT industry are still massive parts of my life. Most of the blogs I read are on this subject, but there are enough other, much better informed than me, people already commenting on these subjects.

I guess this will therefore be a bit of an organic growth - just see what happens! There might well be some more personal posts on here than I originally intended, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Might even be good for me to get some thoughts down on paper!

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